Matt Adam Williams
Nature and Climate Consulting
Matt Adam Williams
Nature and Climate Consulting
September 19, 2013 Who’s living in a fairytale? Gamekeeping, Countryfile and Springwatch

Last time I watched an episode of Springwatch and saw jackdaws taking swallow chicks from the nest it felt pretty…

September 18, 2013 What to do with our woodlands

The Woodland Trust has been asked to respond to a new Government stakeholder survey about the future of the UK’s…

September 12, 2013 Yesterday’s EU biofuels vote bad news for orangutans

This morning I awoke to the sound of bearded pigs rustling in the undergrowth and gibbons singing from the treetops….

September 5, 2013 Baby orangutan

My first ever photo of a wild orangutan. This is baby Icarus, just over one year old, hitching a lift…

August 24, 2013 A threatened species commissioner for the UK?

Australia has just announced that it will be creating the post of Commissioner for Threatened Species to ensure that those…

August 23, 2013 New biomass sustainability standards: high on carbon, low on honesty

Biomass might not be sexy or controversial, or even high in the public profile like fracking or wind turbines. Even…

August 14, 2013 A mixed week: a victim of theft and grateful recipient of generosity in the form of food

This blog doesn’t contain any photos, and I’m sorry for that. Unfortunately I had some of my camera equipment stolen….

August 4, 2013 Recent reads

This amazing video by Sebastiao Salgado, on the power of photography to move us to action Carol Kaesuk Yoon argues…

August 3, 2013 What’s wrong with a railway? What I’m doing in Borneo.

This is a photo of a railway. It looks fairly benign, and these days it is. It’s the route we…

August 3, 2013 From rehabilitation to release: the orangutans of Nyaru Menteng

I haven’t yet come across a wild orangutan here in the Sabangau peat-swamp forest, but a day trip with our…